Curtin Surveys and Submissions


Please tell Kate what you think by completing the following short surveys:

  • Cost of Living survey:
    Constituents constantly raise cost of living concerns with me, and a number of factors are making it tough at the moment. Please take my cost of living survey to help me inform my policy discussions.

  • Current Issues survey :
    Please complete this short survey about a range of current issues, such as HECS debt, energy solutions, banning lies in political ads and more.

Recent Curtin Community Submissions:

  • Online Safety Submission
    Social media and its impact on mental health and child safety is an issue raised with me by young people in Curtin, as well as their parents and grandparents.  Our recent Curtin Online Safety Survey reflected these concerns, with 574 Curtin constituents responding to inform our Curtin Community Submission to the Government’s review of the Online Safety Act 2021. Click here to read the full submission.

  • Live export

  • Fuel Efficiency Standard

  • Transport
    The National Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap aims to set out the pathway for decarbonising the entire transport sector. Consistent with Curtin’s Pathway to Net Zero findings, and our community surveys about active transport, this submission advocates for active transport (walking and cycling) to take a central role is urban transport decarbonisation, and what federal support is needed to improve active transport infrastructure in Curtin. Click here to read the full submission.

  • Aged Care
    In late 2023 the Department of Health and Aged Care released an exposure draft for the new Aged Care Act. Following a community workshop in February 2024, Kate prepared this submission on the Act representing feedback from constituents.

  • Housing

  • National Urban Policy
    The new National Urban Policy aims to make Australian cities more liveable, equitable, sustainable, productive, and resilient. Our Curtin Community Submission includes the results of our Good Infill Survey (June 2024) and recommendations from our Good Infill Forum (June 2024), Curtin’s Pathway to Net Zero report (Feb 2024) and Housing Forum Summary Report (Dec 2023). It highlights key aspects of sustainable and liveable development that Curtin residents want to see. Click here to read the full submission.