My Priorities

  • Phase out fossil fuel subsidies

  • Strengthened & fast-tracked environmental approvals

  • Ambitious emissions reduction target by 2035

  • Support for firmed renewable energy as the cheapest energy source

Getting Things Done

As your Curtin Independent MP, I’m proud to have helped deliver results for our community.

  • Made multiple improvements to climate and nature legislation which resulted in a better Climate Change Bill, Safeguard Mechanism, Vehicle Emissions Standards and Stage 2 Nature Positive Laws

  • Created the Curtin Pathway to Net Zero Report outlining what we need from Government and individuals to decarbonise our community

I believe we need urgent action to protect our planet from the worst effects of climate change.

In Australia we are seeing the catastrophic impact of climate change through droughts, rising sea levels, bushfires, floods and other extreme weather events.

For many years the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been warning the world of projected increases in temperature. The Climate Change Performance Index ranks Australia last out of 60 countries on policy to address climate change. We need to listen to the science and experts, and act now.

Climate change also has a significant impact on health, particularly for our most vulnerable. Significant climate events and extreme weather increase the likelihood of worsening air quality and the spread of infectious disease and have an immediate and long-term impact on the availability and distribution of food.

Making significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will not only help Australia to avoid the worst effects of climate change, but it will also safeguard our health, economic prosperity and national security for this and future generations.

Read my Safeguard mechanism submission.

Listen to my speeches relating to climate change action.


We are in biodiversity debt in Australia and the summer heatwaves earlier this year were a tipping point. Habitats and species were placed under considerable stress.  

The widespread and much needed reform to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act is underway.  

It is a massive challenge to get these reforms right. I am keeping the pressure up on government and I continue to engage with the Minister on priority issues.  

The reform is in three stages.  Stages 1 is complete and covered the Nature Repair Market and the water trigger.  Stage 2 is underway, which creates new institutions to administer our environmental laws; the Federal Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and Environment Information Australia (EIA). 

We are waiting for the substantive Stage 3 reforms. I have sought the Government’s assurance they will enact robust National Standards and address several critical issues. These include the application of a mitigation hierarchy, a recalibration of the purpose of the offset regime and a consideration of cumulative regional impact. 

Listen to my speeches on Nature Positive issues here.

Energy Efficiency Submission

In January 2023 I conducted a survey on how to improve household energy efficiency in Curtin.  The 347 responses received formed the basis of a Curtin Community Submission to the National Energy Performance Strategy consultation. Read the submission here.
