Domestic Violence Reform - ABC News - 28 May 2024


Let's return to our top story. Independent MP Kate Chaney has praised the bravery of Ariel Bombaro. She says there needs to be systematic change to effectively tackle domestic violence.

"Ariel Bombaro has been incredibly brave, telling her devastating story about going to the police about the risk her father and his guns posed and not getting a result. We now need to be brave in responding to that, which starts by admitting the truth that the system does not keep women safe in its current form. Whether police couldn't act or wouldn't act, either way, we need to change this. Women have a right to feel safe, and if a woman goes to police with a genuine fear, we need to ensure that police are in a position where they are able to respond and make that woman safe.

"I've spoken to Ariel, and I'll be working with her to try to make something positive come out of this horrific event so that we can actually make Australian women safer," said Chaney.

That is independent MP Kate Chaney talking about the murder of a mother and daughter in Floreat.


Net Zero Economy Authority Bill 2024 - 29 May 2024


Domestic Violence and Gun Control - ABC News Breakfast - 28 May 2024