Independent Federal EPA - 4 July 2024


On many occasions I've reiterated how supportive I am of an independent federal EPA, appropriately funded. Assessments and decision-making must follow an independent and transparent process. The EPA bill before this House anticipates the new EPA CEO will be appointed on direct recommendation of the minister or government. I agree with the member for Mackellar that it would be preferable for this appointment to be transparently made by an independent board: a board that's completely independent of government, management and stakeholder groups; a board that will ensure the CEO is performing their functions in an accountable, efficient, transparent and outcomes focused manner. This is good governance and it's not a surprise that this was the model proposed by many experts during the consultation process.

Ensuring the board has members with substantial expertise in matters of environmental regulation, conservation, biodiversity or ecologically sustainable developmental heritage or Indigenous affairs will mean that the board's appropriately constituted to both appoint and effectively assess the performance of the CEO and can understand the administration and operation of the legislative functions and powers of the EPA. This is just good governance. I urge the government to accept these amendments. I support the proposed amendments moved by the member for Mackellar to the EPA bill and the establishment and functions of a board and related provisions.


Electoral Reform - Afternoon Briefing - 7 August 2024


Defining Nature Positive - 4 July 2024