Curtin lays out the path to net zero (17 Feb 2024)

Kate Chaney will deliver on Monday the colourful results of the work of 50 dedicated western suburb volunteers. A booklet coordinated by her electorate office sets out in simple terms how local people can help reach net zero emissions at personal and wider levels. "We had 50 volunteers in five working groups that were looking at our five major sources of emissions," said the federal member for Curtin. "They laid out what it would take for Curtin to get to net zero, including what the policy asks are from federal, state and local government, and what individuals can do themselves." This could be about how to electrify their homes, eliminating gas, using air conditioners better and preparing for the day the hot water system gives up: "When it conks out, you need to know what to do to change to a heat pump system, rather than instantly replacing it with an old-style inefficient one because you need a shower that night." The booklet enables householders to do their homework prior to the day that big appliances need replacing. "We are so lucky to have amazing experts in so many different areas in Curtin and people who are willing to give up their time for free," Ms Chaney said. "Those working groups were a combination of fantastic experts, but also interested community members." The five groups were electricity, transport, buildings, greening and waste. The electricity group have been working on an Electrify Curtin website while the greening group concentrated on greening verges. The results of their work will be sent to all state members of parliament and local councillors. "A big part of it is enabling people to do their own advocacy," Ms Chaney said. "The transition will be messy and slow and uneven. But showing that it is possible means people can identify the parts that are the most important." People wanting to attend the launch at Crawley at 5pm on Monday need to register


Kate Chaney ‘absolutely’ supports GST deal after fellow teal joins chorus of east coast critics (18 Feb 2023)


Labor rakes in $5m of ‘hidden money’ from big corporates (13 Feb 2024)