'Democracy at risk': Call to ban generative AI election material (22 May 2024)

Article summary: The federal government is being urged to ban the use of generative AI in election materials due to concerns over potential misinformation, such as deepfakes of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese or Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, ahead of the next federal election. ACT independent senator David Pocock and Curtin MP Kate Chaney have expressed significant concern about the threat posed by AI to Australian democracy. They raised these issues in a letter to government ministers following a Senate committee hearing on the adoption of this technology.

Australia is particularly vulnerable to the misuse of generative AI, unlike jurisdictions like South Korea, where using AI-generated deepfake content in political campaigning can result in severe penalties. Internationally, AI technology has been widely used, with instances in India and the US where deepfakes and AI-generated robocalls have influenced voters.

Kate Chaney highlighted the urgency for legislative action, stressing the need for Australia to respond quickly to these emerging threats. "The clock is ticking before the next election," Chaney stated. She noted that while truth in political advertising could be legislated based on existing models, AI introduces unique challenges that require swift action to ensure electoral integrity.

David Pocock echoed these concerns, criticising the government's lack of urgency in addressing AI's risks. He was alarmed by Australian Electoral Commissioner Tom Rogers' testimony, which indicated that no substantial legislation is expected to regulate AI use in electoral content before the next election. Rogers acknowledged the AEC's limited capability to manage AI-generated content and suggested codes of conduct as a possible solution rather than new laws.

The Senate committee, chaired by Labor senator Tony Sheldon, will report back with recommendations by September. Chaney and Pocock’s call for action underscores the need for timely and effective measures to protect Australian democracy from the potentially disruptive influence of AI in elections.


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