Kate Chaney calls for mandatory ‘risk assessment framework’ for DV cases, questions ‘culture’ of WA Police (20 June 2024)

Article summary: Kate Chaney, the teal independent MP for Curtin, is advocating for a "risk assessment framework" for domestic violence victims to be enshrined in state law, aiming to compel police to take reports of abusive partners seriously. This call follows the tragic murders of Jennifer and Gretl Petelczyc in Floreat, prompting the Cook Government to tighten firearm laws and enforce GPS trackers on repeat offenders.

While Chaney supports these measures, she insists they only address part of the problem. She highlights deep-seated cultural issues within the WA Police, where victims often feel their concerns are dismissed. Chaney recounts numerous stories of women whose pleas for help were inadequately addressed by the police, even when restraining orders were in place and subsequently breached.

Chaney points to Victoria's legally mandated family violence risk assessment framework as a model for Western Australia. This framework, which must be used by all government agencies including the police, ensures that reports of domestic violence are taken seriously without discretionary bias.

Additionally, Chaney raises concerns about the weaponisation of family court proceedings by domestic violence abusers. She asserts that the current system fails to adequately protect women and stresses the urgency for reform, particularly with the current historic representation of women in federal parliament.

The WA Police are conducting an internal investigation into their handling of warnings related to the Floreat case, overseen by the Corruption and Crime Commission. Police Commissioner Col Blanch has withheld comments on individual officer actions until the investigation concludes.

Chaney’s push for legislative change aims to address both the immediate and systemic issues within police responses to domestic violence, advocating for a comprehensive approach to ensure women's safety.


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