MP provides the latest on the push to ban online gambling ads (27 Dec 2023)

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Kate Chaney, the independent MP for Curtin, has been vocal in her criticism of the Australian government's inaction on the issue of online gambling advertisements.

Speaking to 6PR Mornings, Chaney expressed her frustration over the government's failure to implement the recommendations from an inquiry into online gambling ads, despite having six months to do so. Her comments highlight a growing concern that the gambling industry, buoyed by rumours of government apathy, feels confident that its interests will be prioritised over the public's call for regulation.

Chaney's push to ban online gambling advertisements stems from a broader concern about the influence of money and power in politics, particularly how it can overshadow the voices and welfare of the Australian people. She suggests that the government's reluctance to act on the inquiry's recommendations is indicative of a deeper issue within Australian politics, where financial interests can often outweigh public health and ethical considerations.

This situation underscores the issues faced by independent MPs like Chaney, who are working to combat the pervasive influence of powerful industries on policy and legislation. Her efforts to ban online gambling ads are not just about addressing the specific issue of gambling harm but also about advocating for a political system that prioritises the well-being of its citizens over the interests of wealthy and powerful stakeholders.

Chaney's stance on this issue reflects a commitment to public health and ethical governance, highlighting the important role that independent MPs play in bringing attention to critical issues that may be overlooked or avoided by major parties due to political or financial pressures.

Her advocacy for banning online gambling ads is a call to action for the government to listen to the concerns of the Australian public and to implement meaningful reforms that protect vulnerable individuals from the harms associated with gambling.


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