Nine independent MPs and Greens back UN call for Australia to ban fossil fuel advertising (6 Jun 2024)

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Article summary: At least nine independent MPs and the Greens have backed the UN Secretary-General’s call for the Australian government to ban fossil fuel advertising. This move is seen as essential to combat greenwashing and its detrimental effects on the climate, environment, and public health, drawing parallels with the ban on tobacco advertising in 1992.

António Guterres urged countries to ban fossil fuel advertising, labelling fossil fuel companies as “godfathers of climate chaos.” Independent MP Kate Chaney, representing Curtin in Perth, supported the potential ban, citing the increasing greenwashing by fossil fuel companies. She noted that fossil fuel companies use advertising to build social licence, despite the questionable legitimacy of their business models.

Chaney emphasised that as people become more aware and demand value-aligned practices from organisations, fossil fuel companies will intensify their greenwashing efforts but will find fewer opportunities to do so. She highlighted that banning such advertisements might be necessary given the growing awareness and scepticism among the public.

Other MPs, including Allegra Spender, Sophie Scamps, Zali Steggall, and Monique Ryan, also expressed strong support for the ban, condemning the misleading nature of fossil fuel advertising and its parallels with the tobacco industry's past tactics.

Kylea Tink and Andrew Wilkie pointed out the broader systemic issues and the need to address the continued production of fossil fuels alongside advertising bans. Greens leader Adam Bandt labelled fossil fuel advertising as obscene, given its threat to human life.

The article underscores a growing consensus among Australian politicians on the need for stricter regulations on fossil fuel advertising to mitigate climate change and promote environmental sustainability.


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