Live Sheep Export

I have been contacted both by Curtin constituents who support the continuation of this industry, and by those who do not.

I acknowledge that there have been significant improvements in the live sheep export trade in recent years. I also understand that Western Australian sheep farmers will be the most affected by the Federal decision to phase out exports.

Both before and after the 2022 Federal election, the Albanese Government committed to phasing out live sheep exports within 5 years. Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt has repeatedly affirmed his commitment to end the trade. I note that he has also repeatedly stated that there is no plan for closure of the live cattle trade.

The government has announced that live sheep export will be phased out in 2028 and legislation is passing through the parliament to this effect.

Based on feedback I have heard from constituents and other Western Australians about the effect of this ban on their lives, livelihoods, families and rural communities, I did not vote to support the ban.

If the industry were to continue, I would like to see stronger oversight and better measures of sheep welfare.

I made a submission on behalf of affected constituents about what a transition package should cover if the ban does go ahead, which you can read here.