Australia needs a national identity based on civic belonging, not ethnic or religious exclusion (23 June 2024)

Article summary: The article explores the growing trend of people worldwide longing for a return to an idealised past, believing it will solve current issues, but this hope is destined for disappointment. This mindset is evident in political rhetoric that promotes exclusion, harsher punishments, and ignoring crucial issues like climate change. Such nationalism, based on exclusion, has historically failed.

Instead, building a national identity based on civic belonging requires hard work, community engagement, and fostering debates. Timothy Garton-Ash highlights that when successful, this approach can create a warm, inclusive nation appealing to both reason and a sense of belonging.

Australia missed an opportunity for such inclusive recognition during the voice referendum, overshadowed by divisive politics. Governments have shied away from these conversations, often yielding to market logic, leaving nationalism tarnished. Discussions on national identity, values, and their enhancement are now rare and economically dominated.

Kate Chaney, the independent member for Curtin, sees potential in grassroots development of new national wellbeing metrics. She stresses that these metrics should reflect a community-built vision for the country, echoing the great reforms of the past. Chaney argues that without such a vision, the value of new metrics is limited.

The article concludes by emphasising that governments must take on this challenge, as the market will not. It advocates for an active discussion of national purpose, moving beyond economic measures to build a society that benefits everyone. The article warns that unless nations engage in this discourse, resources will continue to be sold to the highest bidder, and the hope for a better society will remain unfulfilled.


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