Wrong power to the people (22 June 2024)

Nuclear power for Australia would be slow, expensive and uncertain, Kate Chaney said on the day Peter Dutton announced the Liberals plan for a nuclear Australia.

She said people in her federal electorate of Curtin want to see action on climate, as well as economically sensible decisions.

It’s extraordinary that Peter Dutton is committing to the most expensive source of energy without actually knowing what its going to cost us, she said.

Its economically completely irrational. Because it made no sense for Australia, it will not attract private investment. The investment community just won’t go for it. Creating this sort of policy uncertainty is terrible for business. We have these huge advantages in renewables, the rest of the world doesn’t have the advantages that we do, the cheapest form of energy, which is renewables.

Nuclear is the most expensive form of energy, even costlier than fossil fuels.

She said nuclear generation of electricity did not fit the WA grid, which was small with highly variable demand. Nuclear did not work as a backup to renewables.

The only reason I can see for Peter Dutton to propose nuclear as a solution is to kick the can down the road, extend the life of coal powered stations, and put off real climate action for further decades, she said.

I do not believe that we will be delivering a nuclear power station in Collie any time before 2040 because the economics just don’t stack up.

Mr Dutton’s own WA Liberal Party has also stated it does not believe nuclear power is suitable for WA.


Australia needs a national identity based on civic belonging, not ethnic or religious exclusion (23 June 2024)


Dutton's push to sell nuclear energy policy to urbanites (20 June 2024)