Good artists copy, Kate artists teal: an interview with Kate Chaney MP (19 July 2024)

Kate Chaney is approaching two years as the Member for Curtin in the House of Representatives, having disrupted a 24-year Liberal stronghold with her 2022 election victory. Chaney, who identifies as a "community independent" rather than solely a "teal" independent, was motivated to enter politics by a desire to break free from the traditional two-party system and its short-term, divisive decision-making.

In this recent interview, Chaney discussed her political journey and the evolving role of independents in Australian politics. She emphasised the positive, optimistic nature of her campaign, which attracted a strong community backing. Chaney believes that independents can drive major parties to reconnect with their communities and foster a more representative democracy. She envisions a larger crossbench, where coalitions form around issues, enhancing democratic stability rather than destabilising it.

Chaney expressed a lack of interest in joining a major party, valuing her independence and the ability to focus on her current role without being constrained by party politics. She highlighted the benefits of being an independent, such as assessing legislation on its merits and not being bound by party lines. This independence allows her to influence policy by working constructively with various stakeholders.

Chaney criticised the current oppositional nature of major parties, advocating for a more collaborative approach to improve legislation. She noted the structural and cultural issues within the parliamentary system that hinder effective governance and called for electoral reform to ensure fairer competition and accountability.

On policy matters, Chaney remains optimistic about progress in areas like climate action, integrity in politics, and electoral reform. She supports initiatives like banning lies in political advertising and improving transparency. Chaney also highlighted the importance of continuing to push for reforms that ensure politicians are accountable and that the public can trust their representatives.

In summary, Chaney's commitment to being a community-focused independent reflects her belief in the power of optimism and collaboration to bring about positive change in Australian politics.


Protecting our natural places (20 July 2024)


Labor warned against union-friendly donations laws (15 July 2024)